Blonde Group 2017-05-04T18:05:22+01:00

Blonde Group

  • The Blonde road spins offer a more challenging ride than the NGE spins but are still not eye-balls out affairs. The pace should allow the group to work together. Blonde riders can expect a social ride where technique and group riding skills are a priority.
  • The Blonde group is expected to stay together on the flat and small hills and drags. On bigger hills and climbs there will inevitably be splits as riders test themselves. There will be regroup opportunities on the top of climbs or soon after. No-one gets left behind
  • The average speed of the Blonde group is between 24-28KMH on a normal spin.
  • The distance of a Blonde spin is anywhere between 60 –100km depending on the course, weather, time of year etc.
  • Towards the end of a Blonde spin the pace and intensity often ramps up as the tug of the finish draws close. This is most likely in the last 5km where a bit of friendly competition tends to break out.