The Blue group is for those who are interested in doing endurance spins. Typically the group rides events organised by Audax Ireland, travelling the country to undertake day-long spins of at least 200km. The group is small and the emphasis is on more relaxed speeds and enjoying the scenery as opposed to the back wheel of the bike ahead as typifies faster spin groups. As this is endurance cycling, lunches en route take a tad longer than tea and cake! Doing an audax cycle is something you work up to and suits those who want to have a more adventurous cycle.
2016 Celtic Knot 1000
The Celtic Knot is a 1000 Km event over 3 days and is held on the June Bank Holiday over a different course each year in Ireland
‘Our first proper audax and to say I enjoyed the experience in full would probably be an exaggeration. However, I am still smiling after what was a wonderful adventure. Since last year both Lorcan and I have discussed Paris-Brest-Paris and London-Edinburgh-London as two of our bucket list events and consequently began undertaking longer distance cycles earlier this year. From that time, the months kept rolling by and each month we would both plan a more adventurous trip than the previous month, each a little longer and involving a further test of both our individual and combined abilities.’

Tom Cleary (left) and Lorcan Stack were two of the twenty three who finished the course in 2016.

Easter Flèche
The Easter Flèche is unique in Audax terms in that it is ridden as a team event, and each team devises its own route. It is a 24-hour rides with the standard minimum Audax pace limit of 15kph, giving a minimum distance of 400km in the 24 hours. It is modelled on the Flèche Vélocio, which is administered by Audax Club Parisien. Traditionally they take place over the Easter weekend, except in far northern countries where there is likely to still be snow on the ground at that time of year. Traditionally also the routes of the Flèche in a given country or region meet at a common finishing point, the Flèches (Arrows) aiming at a single target.
Pictured left to right are Pat Nolan, Tom Cleary and Lorcan Stack having completed the 2018 Easter Fleche in very wet and windy conditions.
Mile Fáilte 1200
The Míle Fáilte is a 1200 km brevet run by Audax Ireland in association with Audax Club Parisien & Les Randonneurs Mondiaux every four years in the South of Ireland. The next edition will run on June 23rd 2018 from Killarney, Co. Kerry in a clover leaf route formation with a time limit of 90 hours.
In June 2018, sixty seven hardy randonneurs from around the world too part in the Míle Fáilte and 40 of those managed to complete the course in the required time.

The picture shows Pat Nolan and Tom Cleary sporting their Medals, having completed the 1200 Km within the time limit.